SOOOOOO Yummy!!!!
We found this recipe on you can have your cake and eat it too!
Perfect Hot Chocolate / Vroča čokolada
Yesterday, a pile of snow almost fell on my head. ALMOST .. So , apparently I'm lucky. I had errands in the city and because yesterday the snow started to melt, I was really careful walking around, since snow was falling from roofs all the time. The whole time I made sure I was walking in the middle of city streets so there could be no chances of getting snow directly on my head. And just when I forgot about it for a minute, because I was in a hurry .... a few meters in front of me … right at that moment ... a pile of snow fell on the sidewalk . Just the thought of getting all that on my head…ugh. For a moment I was shocked .. but I was in a hurry, so that was it =). I was lucky. It's Valentine's Day next week! No, actually I don’t celebrate it, but I thought it would be cool if I take advantage of this silly day for posting chocolate recipes. So I can have a theme =). Okay, I needed an excuse to fill the apartment with chocolate. There. The first such recipe I posted on Moses’s Blog. Chocolate croissants to start Valentine's Day. Oh yeah ... breakfast in bed! Winter = Hot chocolate. Right? ? I never ever ate hot chocolate before, but this year I am obsessed with it! Search for the perfect recipe is complete! I found the perfect hot chocolate. Super sweet, thick, creamy combination of chocolate and marshmallow topping is to die for! With love, Neja | Včeraj mi je na glavo skoraj padel kup snega. SKORAJ..torej, očitno imam srečo. Imela sem opravke v mestu, hitela sem in ker se je sneg začel topiti, mi je bilo jasno, da ga bo večina popadala s streh. Ves čas sem pazila, da sem hodila po sredini mestnih ulic, da mi ne bi kaj padlo na glavo. In ravno, ko sem malo pozabila na vse skupaj, ker se mi je mudilo….par metrov pred mano…v trenutku…za eno prikolci snega poleti na pločnik. Če bi bila sekundo hitrejša, bi vse to dobila na glavo. Za trenutek sem bila šokirana..ampak mudilo se mi je, torej to je bilo to =). Imela sem srečo. Naslednji teden je Valentinovo! Ne, v bistvu ga ne praznujem, se mi je pa zdelo prav, da izkoristim ta hec za čokoladne recepte. Da imam temo =). Okej, potrebovala sem izgovor za to, da napolnim stanovanje s čokolado. Prvi tak recept sem objavila na Mosesovem Blogu. Čokoladne rogljičke, za začetek Valentinovega. Oh yeah…zajtrk v postelji! Zima= Vroča čokolada. Kajne?? Nikoli je nisem pila, letos me je pa obsedla!! Iskanje za popolnim receptom je končano! Našla sem popolno vročo čokolado. Super sladka, gosta, kremna..kombinacija čokolade in topinga je za umret! Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe adapted from: How sweet it is
The Recipe
Ingredients Hot chocolate 1 can coconut milk 250ml heavy cream 400g chocolate 150ml milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract pinch of salt pinch of nutmeg Marshmallow toping 4 egg whites 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract A pinch cream of tartar The process Hot chocolate Combine all ingredients in a pot and heat it, bring it to simmer. Marshmallow Toping Combine the egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar in a heat-proof bowl, preferably the bowl of your electric stand mixer. Place over top of a double-boiler that contains simmering water, and whisk constantly for 3-4 minutes until the sugar has dissolved and the egg whites are slightly warm. Immediately remove the bowl and place it on your stand mixer with the whisk attachment, beating slow at first and gradually increasing the speed to high. Beat for 6-7 minutes until glossy and thick, then beat in vanilla extract for another minute until combined. | Sestavine Vroča čokolada 1 pločevinka kokosovega mleka 250ml sladke smetane 400g čokolade 150ml mleka 1 žlička vanilijinega ekstrakta ščepec soli ščepec muškatnega oreščka Marshmallow Toping 4 beljaki 1 skodelica kristalnega sladkorja 1 žlička vanilijinega ekstrakta Ščepec vinskega kamna Postopek Vroča čokolada Vse sestavine združite v loncu in segrevajte toliko časa, dokler ne zavre. Marshmallow Toping Združite beljake, sladkor in vinski kamen v toplotno odporni posodi. Postavite jo nad posodo v kateri vre voda. Nenehno mešajte, dokler se sladkor ne stopi. Vsebino zlijte v mešalnik in stepajte na nizki hitrosti na začetku nato pa na največji hitrosti. Po 7 minutah dodajte vanilijin ekstrakt in nadaljujte s stepanjem, dokler ni masa gladka in kompaktna. Dodajte žlico ali dve topinga na vrh vroče čoklade (ta toping je RES zelo sladek). |
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